Testimonials and successful treatments

Recovery of a thyroid cancer patient

“In 2002 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and wanting answers and help, went to an acupuncturist in the Twin Cities. I don’t remember the acupuncturist’s name, but I remember what she said. She said, “Frankly, I don’t have the knowledge to handle such a difficult case. “But,” she said, writing a name down on a slip of paper. “I know this doctor . . ..” something in her voice indicating the doctor she was referring me to had extraordinary knowledge.

On that slip of paper was the name: Dr. Zhuoling Ren.

For weeks Dr. Ren prepared me to withstand the upcoming surgery she knew I needed and was going to undergo in New York City. My cancerous thyroid was removed and I returned to see Dr. Ren for treatment. It has been thirteen years now and Dr. Ren has kept me cancer free and healthy, even though at the time of the surgery the cancer was also found in the lymph nodes, a blood vessel, and the surrounding muscle. Pretty amazing! Even the endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, who prescribes the thyroid hormone I need to take for the rest of my life, is amazed. Especially since I chose NOT to have the standard follow-up treatment of radiation following the surgery. I think it is fair to say that my endocrinologist is now one of Dr. Ren’s biggest fans, every yearly cancer screening encouraging me to keep doing what I have been doing. “Because obviously,” he says. “It is working.” So I do. Every week I see Dr. Ren, confident in her judgment, knowledge, and treatment. Over these many years I have also come to an important conclusion: not only is it best to see Dr. Ren for serious health issues, but it is best to see her for less serious health issues. Western medicine, I have found, is often limited in what it can do. So I see Dr. Ren for any health problem that may arise (unless, of course, it is an emergency situation). I consider her my trusted “family physician”.

It is difficult to sum up the great respect I have for Dr. Ren. I would say I am in awe of her knowledge and ability in caring for her patients. More and more I realize she is “one of a kind”, a rare gift to find right here in the U.S., a rare gift to find perhaps anywhere in the world.”

A long time patient