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Cupping Therapy – Ancient way for reducing pain and more

By Dr. Ren & Dr. Qian

Since the Olympic torch fired up at Rio 2016, the interesting interlude has gotten a lot of attention: That is the” Cupping Marks” – the circular purple bruises seen on Michael Phelps and other Olympic athletes. There are many people / patients ask me recently: what is cupping? how does it work? what is the benefit of the cupping? Where do we get the cupping therapy?
I believe you are also interested with this Questions, here at first I will answer the simplest one first:: Do you do it?” Yes , In China Institute ,we do provide Cupping therapy . and then this is the answers to all the questions:

What is Cupping?

In cupping, practitioners place specialized cups( we use class cups) on the skin. Then they use either heat or an air pump to create suction between the cup and the skin,This suction causes skin to balloon into the cups and blood to rush to the surface of the skin. The bit of created pressure under the cups feels surprisingly relaxing.
After words the cupping markss will showing on the skin as we see on the Olympic , the Cupping marks generally fade after two to four days.

How Does Cupping Work?

According to Chinese medicine, there are fourteen main energy meridians through along the body. Similar to acupuncture, cupping will help unblocking these meridians allows the energy (Qi) to flow freely through the body, remove toxins, and promote healing.

The suction created in the cups can affect muscle tissue deep into the body. This significantly increases blood flow, and as a result, pulls toxins from where they may have been stored, such as the muscles. Once the toxins are released into the blood, they are able to be flushed out of the system through sweat and urination.

What Are the Benefits of Cupping?

We provide the cupping to the specific area of skin , usually can benefit patients as follows:

  • Reduces pain such as low back pain , arthritic pain and all kinds of muscle tension or aching
  • Help sports injuries
  • Reduces stress
  • Soothes cranky, tight muscles similar to an intense deep tissue massage
  • Promotes a sense of relaxation throughout the body
  • Assist the healing of allergies, arthritis, and the common cold
  • Improves energy level
  • Some digestive issues

we charge $35 for a cupping session with out Acupuncture, and $28 addition to your Acupuncture session.

Welcome to our clinic to get a Cupping Therapy! and we have a 50% off one time offer for your cupping fee if you mentions this newsletter article to your check out .