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How Chinese Medicine is treating infertility

Treating infertility is a complex issue. One of the principles is to tonify Yin or Yang according to the menstrual cycle. Tonifying Yin after, and tonifying Yang prior to the menstrual cycle – as well as regulating Qi and blood during menstruation – is one of the treatment strategies.


Tonifying Yin Post Menstruation

Yin and blood are usually relatively deficient after menstrual bleeding. The body’s ability to rebuild both is essential to fertility. Specifically, many infertile women have Yin and blood deficiency already. After the menstrual period the body has lost blood. And now the Yin and blood are even more deficient. The symptoms are fatigue, post period headaches, or post period sleep disturbance. Or, in some cases, patients will report hot or warm body sensations. To tonify Yin and blood I usually choose the kidney, liver and pericardian meridan points to apply acupuncture treatment. The herbal formula for this purpose is: Di Huang, Bai Shao, San Zhu Yu, Dan Gui, San Yao, Nv Zen Zi, Fu Lin, Gou Qi Zi, and Wu Wei Zi.

The Yin tonifying method usually results in promoting faloco to mature, helping the body to store essential energy and to be prepared for conception or for the next period.


Tonifying Yang

Prior to Menstruation By releasing falaco the cycle turns to its Yang Period. Yang energy is warming and moving energy. It “warms up” the uterus in order for the fertilized egg to implant or to be ready for the next period.

For patients with a cold sensation tonifying Yang is the key to the success of getting pregnant. Yang deficiency manifests such symptoms as poor circulation, cold extremities, low sex drive, white, clear, order-less vaginal discharge, etc.

The meridian points for tonifying Yang are usually on the Ren Meridian and Du Meridian. The stomach meridian is also often chosen. The typical herbal formula consists of Chuan Duan, Tusizi, Sechuangzi, San Yao , Bajitian, Su Di Huang, Danggui, Bai Shao.

In this formula there are majorly tonifying kidney Yang ingredients, but there are also some herbs for tonifying Yin and blood. This is because blood is fundamental for women’s health. So this formula is for considering the balance of Yin and Yang.

By using the treatment described above usually patients will have a better menstrual cycle and hormonal level and regulation can be improved. For patients who have no regular period this treatment can help them to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Yin and Yang theory is an essential theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In treating infertility this theory should not be forgotten.


by Dr. Zhouling Ren

Photo: freeimages.com / Simona Balint